Yearly Archives: 2013

Dramatically Reduce Logon “Time to Desktop” By Moving From Group Policy Preferences to Powershell Logon Script 33

Update 5/16/2017: Thanks to tabularasa for some improvements to this, fixing some missing slashes among other things! In years past, logon scripts were the bane of many logon experiences due to their synchronous nature.  Beginning with Windows 7, logon scripts can be processed asynchronously.  We glossed over this fact: “Nice […]

Disable “Sleep” in Windows 7 Start/Shutdown Menu

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftPowerPowerSettingsabfc2519-3608-4c2a-94ea-171b0ed546ab DWORD: ACSettingIndex Value: 0 (disabled) This change was necessitated when I found a number of virtual desktop brokers were losing connectivity with the Delivery Controller. Upon investigating the ESXi console, I noticed only a black screen, but the VM was marked as “powered on”. The “tasks and events” tab […]

Discover What Citrix Director Won’t Show You: Which User/Machine Had Long Log on Duration in XenDesktop 7 5

Citrix Director is great for showing you trends for logon performance, but you can’t yet “drill down” to determine which user specifically had the long log on duration.  Luckily enough, the SQL database does have this information.  The query below will show you all logons from the current day and sort […]

Quick and Dirty Powershell Script to Check PVS Write Cache Sizes

Add-PSSnapin Citrix* $reg=get-brokerdesktop -MaxRecordCount 9999 -RegistrationState Registered -DesktopGroupName VDIWIN7 -adminaddress citrixdc.contoso.local $results=@(); $reg | %{ $comp=$_.hostedmachinename; $cache=dir “\$compD$.vdiskcache” -force; $results+=”$comp;$($($cache.length)/1GB)”} $path0=”D:WriteCachelatest.txt” $path1=”D:WriteCachewc_$(get-date -format `”yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm_ss`”).txt” $results | out-file $path0 $results | out-file $path1 Using this script you can go to Excel, Data, Import from Text, select Latest.txt, pivot table. Then all you […]

“A STA or WI DBS configuration exists. Unset it first” Error When Adding Load Balancing Server

The XenDesktop 7 Setup docs clearly specifies that Director and other components can be installed on the same machine, but for redundancy and scaling you can split them up as needed.  As our environment has 2 delivery controllers, I wanted to setup a load balancing server, but when I attempted […]