
A Tale of WordPress on Azure Websites 3

Years ago when I migrated this blog from the old “unNetwork.blogspot” to, I decided to use WordPress.  And why not?  Azure had a slick “deploy” feature for the website from the gallery, which promised to do the web hosting, configuration, securing, and updating.  Couple that with WordPress having update […]

Managing Your Local Administrator Passwords The Correct Way

Some ideas take a long time to realize.  Unfortunately, one of those has been a good way to manage local administrator passwords.  System admins the world round have developed scripts to randomize and change the local administrator password of their systems.  Others ensure the local administrator password is disabled, but […]

XenDesktop 7/7.1 Monitor Service Memory Leak 6

In late February and early March we experienced “All the Citrix XML Services configured for farm failed to respond to this XML Service transaction.”  As virtual desktops have grown increasingly important in our organization, this failure was critical to resolve quickly.  Unfortunately, the first time it happened, reboots of the delivery […]