Microsoft Surface Pro Stylus and Touch Keyboard in XenDesktop 2

Our organization recently began deploying approximately 100 or so Microsoft Surface Pro. devices to users.  One of the first groups to connect with it to XenDesktop noticed that the stylus, type cover (keyboard) and touchpad did not work.  After acquiring a test unit the cause became clear right away:  Upon connection, the interface devices were being redirected to the VM itself, taking them away from the surface itself.  I searched a bit for drivers which I could load into my image, but ultimately I decided on disabling USB redirection for this one device.

DENY:VID=045E PID=079C #Surface USB Composite Device

Disable USB Composite Device from Microsoft Surface

Disable USB Composite Device from Microsoft Surface

Adding this line to “Client USB Redirection Rules” will prevent the devices from being sent to the virtual session.  Citrix Receiver is then responsible for sending input from the host (which now functions as expected) and your users can use the stylus, keyboard, or touchpad as they would expect.

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2 thoughts on “Microsoft Surface Pro Stylus and Touch Keyboard in XenDesktop

  • PK

    Using surface pro 4, window 10, citrix receiver – office 2013 works well, however stylus functions with significant lag, not responsive. Is there a workaround / fix?

    • Atum Post author

      Hi PK,

      This may be due to the stylus passing through with generic redirection. The latest Citrix Receiver (4.4.1000) should help alleviate this (release notes here), but if it does not, have your Citrix admin(s) refer to these deny rules:

      Surface Pro Type/Touch cover devices are available for USB redirection. After USB redirection, the mouse cursor/keyboard may no longer work outside the session. Currently, a deny rule has been added at installation to prevent Surface Pro Type/Touch covers devices from redirection. Refer to CTX137939 for more details on how these rules work.
      Note: The current fix is limited only for fresh installations of Receiver. For an upgrade, the following deny rule needs to be added manually to the below registry.
      For 32-bit OS:
      For 64-bit OS:
      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Citrix\ICA Client\GenericUSB
      Edit the DeviceRules value and add specific Deny rules for the USB device.
      DENY:vid=045e pid=079A # Microsoft Surface Pro TouchCover
      DENY:vid=045e pid=079c # Microsoft Surface Pro Type Cover
      DENY:vid=045e pid=07dc # Microsoft Surface Pro 3 Type Cover
      DENY:vid=045e pid=07e4 # Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Type Cover with fingerprint reader
      DENY:vid=03eb pid=8209 # Surface Pro Atmel maXTouch Digitizer
      Follow the same procedure by adding VID and PID for those devices which warrant prevention of redirection.
      DENY: vid=xxxx pid=xxxx rule for specific devices has to be on top of the list in devicerules.