Automating XenDesktop, ILIO Storage Reboots

We use XenDesktop 7 and Atlantis ILIO Diskless for our VDI environment. ILIO functions as a storage device.  The ILIO VM should occasionally be rebooted per the documentation, or the datastore can fill over time.  The script below is what we use to reboot our VMs daily, and the ILIO devices every other day.  Depending on utilization, you can go much longer so do test and follow your documentation.


$oddHosts="Your hosts here"
$evenHosts="Your hosts here"
$VMNameWildcard="YourVDIVMName" # example: VDI*
$ILIOvmName="Your ILIO VM name here"

$citrixAdminAddress = "" #TODO: get all delivery controllers, select random active one
Start-Transcript -path C:Scriptslogs$ScriptName$ScriptName_$($datetime.tostring("yyyy-MM-dd-hh_mm_ss")).log -Append -Confirm:$false
    Function check-even ($num) {[bool]!($num%2)}

    if($datetime.Hour -eq 2)

        Add-PSSnapin Citrix*
        Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core

        write-host "Connecting to $vCenterAddress"
        Connect-VIServer -Server $vCenterAddress #-Credential $credential -ErrorAction Stop ## Running task as service account...don't need creds
        Get-BrokerDesktopGroup $BrokerGroupName -adminaddress $citrixAdminAddress | Set-BrokerDesktopGroup -InMaintenanceMode:$true

        if(check-even $datetime.Day) 
            $evenHosts | %{ $vmhosts+=Get-VMHost -Name "$_*" }   
            $oddHosts | %{ $vmhosts+=Get-VMHost -Name "$_*" }  

        ## First lets loop through all the hosts and shutdown off all  vms

    $vmHosts| % {
                write-host "Working on $($"
                $vmsOnHost=$currentHost | Get-VM -Name $VMNameWildcard | % {
                    #Loop through each VM to shutdown
                    Write-Host "vSphereDesktop: $($currentVM.Name)"
                    Write-Host "$(get-date -format "hh:mm:dd") Shutting down vSphereDesktop: $($currentVM.Name)"
                    $currentVM | where{$_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn"} | shutdown-VMguest -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


	write-host "Sleeping 20sec before forcing shutdown"
        Start-Sleep 20

                    $vmsOnHost=$currentHost | Get-VM -Name $VMNameWildcard | % {
                    #Loop through each VM to power it off, just in case
                    Write-Host "vSphereDesktop: $($currentVM.Name)"
                    Write-Host "$(get-date -format "hh:mm:dd") Stopping vSphereDesktop: $($currentVM.Name)"
                    $currentVM | where{$_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn"} | Stop-VM -RunAsync -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue



        write-host "Sleeping 1 min before rebooting ILIO"
        Start-Sleep 60

            #Now we need to turn off ILIO
            $ilioVM=$currentHost | get-vm -Name $ilioVMName
            write-host "$(get-date -format "hh:mm:dd") Found $($, restarting"
            $ilioVM | Restart-VMGuest -Confirm:$false

        write-host "Sleeping 3 min"
        Start-Sleep 180
	        Get-BrokerDesktopGroup $VMNameWildcard -adminaddress $citrixAdminAddress | Set-BrokerDesktopGroup -InMaintenanceMode:$false


        else { write-host "skipping disable maintenance mode" }
        Disconnect-VIServer $vCenterAddress -Confirm:$false
    Write-Host "$(get-date -format "hh:mm:dd") ERROR:  Incorrect hour of day"

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