Yesterday it was announced that XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR was available! This release brings a host of enhancements but more importantly it is the next long term release for customers who need a more consistent release schedule with long term support. If you’re not familiar with LTSR versus CR, check out the servicing options post for more details.
Some great enhancements across all products for those upgrading from older versions, especially for those upgrading from 7.6 LTSR. Notably:
- Local host cache (now default! Connection leasing is disabled by default!)
- PVS vhdx support
- PVS Generation 2 HyperV VMs
- MCS Cache in RAM
- Numerous bug fixes
- Director features – features –features!
I won’t do a full rundown of all the changes as Carl Stalhood absolutely kills it on that front! Check out his page!