The Strange Case of “No Desktops Available” 4

I recently spoke with someone and realized I hadn’t created a post for this yet – much to my disappointment, as it was a major accomplishment to have the issue solved.  At my previous employer (K-12 education) the environment was setup as follows: Approximately 1100 pooled desktops from a single […]

Provisioning Services 7.6

PVS 7.6 made it’s debut with a rather large version jump for what seems like relatively minor changes but a host of fixes.  The “What’s new” documentation boasts support for SQL 2014 and AlwaysOn, as well as PVD Test mode.  The download can be found at, log in, click […]

XenDesktop / XenApp 7.6 Released

XenDesktop and XenApp 7.6 come with a solid set of features behind them that make this a particularly exciting release.  You can grab the files here.  Among the more exciting features are: XenApp 6.5 migration utility Session Linger Session Pre-Launch Unauthenticated (anonymous) user access The full “What’s New” documentation is […]

RDS Deployed VDI Virtual Machines Do Not Appear in VMM

As I’ve been working with RDS, I’ve been getting reacquainted with the fantastic product disaster known as SCVMM 2012 R2.  While working on familiarizing myself with RDS VDI deployment, I noticed my virtual machines weren’t appearing in Virtual Machine Manager even after a refresh, when I came upon this article describing […]

Let’s Get Real About XenApp and Virtual Desktop Sizing

I’ve seen some talk recently about updating properly sizing workloads and anticipating expected usage on XenApp – and all of it is extremely good – however the question still comes up often enough in IRC, I thought it was worth a mention:  How large should I make my XenApp server?  […]

XenDesktop / XenApp 7.6 Announced

Today Citrix announced that they are working hard to close the gap in missing features between 6.5 and 7.x, finally delivering anonymous login and session linger and bringing back the much desired, but swiftly-absent, pre-launch.  You can read the whole press release, but the jist of it is below: Anonymous logins […]

Provisioning Services (PVS) Hotfix

For those of you using PVS, I urge you to take a look at CTX140875.  This hotfix pack includes a number of fairly significant updates to problems that may be affecting your environment.  In my mind, notably, are the fixes for the BDM/ARP issue, the SOAP server reliability, and vDisk […]

Port Redirection in XenDesktop 7.x 1

If you are looking to configure COM or LPT redirection in XenDesktop 7.x, you might be at a loss when you find the policies aren’t where you’d expect them.  Fortunately, the functionality still exists, however its days are numbered.  Citrix has officially deprecated the feature and now requires that you […]

NetScaler 10.5 and XenApp 6.5 HRP04 Released

Check out the Citrix Downloads section to grab NetScaler 10.5 and XenApp 6.5 HRP04.  NetScaler 10.5 has a number of enhancements, including the elimination of java from the GUI, making the UI incredibly responsive and allowing easier administration as java security settings no longer block various portions of the UI. […]

Automatic Configuration Backup With Version Control

There are a variety of devices that have a multitude of ways to backup their configuration, although often you find yourself needing to purchase additional tools from a vendor to do so, or be forever stuck with copying that pesky switch, router, proxy or other configuration to some TFTP server […]